Working from home and sitting all day? Chiropractors share tips to avoid back and neck pain

Working from home and sitting all day? Chiropractors share tips to avoid back and neck pain

Working from home? Join the club. But never mind matching shirts. One of the main things that people who are working from home unexpectedly have in common is back and neck pain. Most of us don’t have a dedicated home office space that provides comfort and peace for us to work in, and instead are resorting to makeshift desks and long hours sitting down, often in hunched or awkward positions, resulting in pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Chiropractors specialize in problems affecting the spine, skeleton, muscles and connective tissues, meaning that they are the experts when it comes to addressing back and neck pain.  Not only can they diagnose it, but they can also provide treatment in the form of a variety of chiropractic techniques that help to align the spine and reduce pressure on the neck and back. Chiropractors know all too well that working from home and sitting down all day can lead to back and neck pain. While creating a more ergonomic environment is the best way to avoid these issues, there are also other things that you can do to make them less likely. We’ve asked our chiropractors to share their top tips to avoid back and neck pain, and here’s what they’ve come up with.

Sit up straight


Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest causes of back pain is poor posture. Posture refers to the way that your body is positioned when you are sitting, standing, or lying down. The key to good posture is the position of your spine. The spine has three natural curves, which can be found in the neck, mid-back, and lower back. Correct posture should maintain these curves rather than exaggerate them. When your posture is correct, the amount of strain on your muscles and joints is minimal. However, poor posture such as slouching or slumping can cause unnecessary stress, resulting in back pain amongst other issues. Making a conscious effort to sit up straight can help you to avoid back and neck pain.

Plant your feet


When you sit still all day long, you probably find that you alter the position of your legs without really thinking about it. However, chiropractors recommend that you always sit with your feet flat on the floor and your knees parallel to your hips. If your feet don’t touch the ground, such as if they are crossed, it can put excess pressure on your lower back, making back pain more likely.

Reduce your smartphone usage


Most of us subconsciously look at our smartphones multiple times each day. Focused on reading what is on the screen, we often don’t consider the position we are holding our neck and head in when we do so. The average human head weighs around 15lbs – a considerable bulk for our neck to support. When we stare at the screens of our smartphones, we often tilt our heads down, resting our chin on our chest. The weight of this pulls on the muscles, ligaments, and other tissues of the neck, putting it under strain that can eventually lead to inflammation and chronic pain. When you use a smartphone, try and avoid neck strain by holding it level to your eyes instead.

Don’t sleep on your stomach


How do you like to sleep? Although it’s not for everyone, many people start, or at least end the night, sleeping on their stomachs. However, sleeping on your front is actually the worst position for neck pain. This is because, in order to breathe, you need to turn your face to the side and no matter which side you choose, doing so for prolonged periods could put a strain on your neck and upper back. Instead, chiropractors recommend that you should try to sleep in a way that preserves your spine’s natural shape – such as by sleeping on your side with pillows between your knees.

Exercise often


The truth is that spending too much time in any position – sitting or otherwise – can lead to back pain. This is because the muscles become used to being in one position and they lose strength in others. The more active you are, the stronger your muscles, ligaments, and other connective tissues will become, which will help to keep you flexible and less likely to suffer from muscle and joint pain. Regular exercise is crucial for everyone, but particularly those who sit at a desk all day long. Make time to fit walking, swimming, cycling or any other physical activity into your daily routine and you will minimize your risk of experiencing back or neck pain.


For more tips on avoiding back and neck pain from chiropractors, or to find out how chiropractic care can help you, get in touch with our wellness center today.

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