Decompression therapy is used to help reduce back pain. It is a method that serves as a treatment for low-to-moderate back, neck and radiating limb pain. There are many advantages to using decompression therapy to lessen your pain.
Decompression therapy is a procedure that stretches and relaxes the spine in a controlled manner. The severity of your pain, as well as the cause, will impact the number of treatments your chiropractor will recommend. Many types of decompression therapy use a harness to complete the stretching and relaxation. Decompression therapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical method for back pain relief.
Decompression therapy is recommended for many different conditions. It is often used for:
Back, neck, or radiating limb pain
Bulging, herniated, or degenerative discs
Sciatica pain caused by a pinched or compressed sciatic nerve
Degenerative or arthritic spinal joints
Injured or diseased spinal nerve roots
You don’t have to live with chronic back pain. It is important to see a chiropractor or physical medical professional ensure that you prevent the condition from becoming worse. They will have many techniques to help alleviate pain and restore you to optimal health. If you are experiencing back or neck pain, you should contact us at Ogden Wellness Center today!