The Causes of Joint Inflammation: Is It Preventable?

The Causes of Joint Inflammation: Is It Preventable?

The joints in your body are the places where two bones meet. For various reasons, these areas can experience inflammation or arthritis. The results can be debilitating and may cause limited function in the joints. Some symptoms you may experience include swelling, pain, heat, stiffness, and redness. 

However, the condition is preventable. To do this, you need to be aware of the causes. The knowledge will help you take measures to avoid joint inflammation.




There are causes you can control and those that you cannot. However, taking the proper measures to avoid the condition will put you at less risk of its development. Some of these causes include:

  • Obesity and overweight

  • Infection

  • Joint injuries

  • Occupation

  • Smoking

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Inherited traits and genetics


Obesity and Overweight


Obese and overweight people are more likely to develop joint inflammation in their knees. The excess weight puts more pressure on these and other weight-bearing joints. As such, they have to work extra hard to support their musculoskeletal structure. 

Maintain a healthy weight for the prevention of inflammation in these weight-bearing joints. You will need to exercise and eat a healthy diet. These habits will help you lose weight. You will also maintain it at a level your joints can handle. You can talk to your doctor for more information on how to do this safely.




Some microbial agents that affect your body can affect your joints. When they do, they cause inflammation and swelling. Hence, seeing your doctor when you notice swelling in your joints is vital. They will assess the situation and establish whether it is due to microbial infection or other causes. Afterward, they can prescribe medication that effectively deals with the microbial infection and get you back on your feet.


Joint Injuries


Injuries are preventable, so learn to perform activities without causing extra stress to your joints. Some repetitive movements during exercises or other activities can cause joint injuries. Also, some tasks like lifting objects can damage your joints. Protect your joints by researching the proper ways to lift objects or perform exercises. You will avoid injuries to your joints.




Some jobs will require you to squat and perform repetitive knee bending. It results in damage to these areas. You may feel that you can do nothing about it, but you can find ergonomic ways of performing these repetitive tasks. Also, you can perform special joint exercises and stretches at the end of the day, preventing joint inflammation.




Smoking heightens your chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Continued smoking can make the condition worse. The habit can also make it difficult to perform physical exercises that can help manage the inflammation. The best way to prevent joint inflammation if you smoke is to quit the habit. You can ask your doctor for tips in this area.


Gender and Age


Men are more likely to develop joint inflammation than women. Older women are more likely to develop joint inflammation than younger women. To avoid the condition, be aware of these risk factors and be careful with the above causes. Also, be keen when taking medication or eating certain foods since they can trigger the condition. 


Inherited Traits and Genetics


Like gender and age, joint inflammation leaves you with not much option and help. However, you can take the proper precaution when performing tasks, taking medication, and eating.

For more information on joint inflammation, visit Ogden Wellness Center at our office in Ogden, Utah. Please call (801) 406-3949 to book an appointment today.

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